
Hi everyone, my name is Martin and I’m print- and web-designer in Germany. Since I found interest in Japanese design, I collect informations, knowledge, web-links and pictures, all around this issue. After a while I decided to organize my snippets by a blog system and thus additional publish and share them with everyone, who likes to follow my trail towards and through Japanese design.

My main questions: What is Japanese design and which are the differences to other cultures? There are many answers within a wide range between traditions, modernity and international influences. I’ve created this blog to find answers and hopefully achieve an expansion of competence on this field. Everyone is welcome to read my articles, write comments, learn with me, correct me if necessary, and also tell me your objects and likes. Also co-authors are welcome to post their articles.

«Japanese Inspiration» is based on an educational and informative notion. From websites, brochures, books and all kinds of design-examples I record screenshots or movie-clips for one reason: Things will change through the years and especially websites will disappear forever, even beautiful and impressive designs. So in longterm, it would make no sense, to only post the links to the located materials. I want more, I want to preserve a small piece of the visual treasure of present times, that will be past someday.

Enjoy «Japanese Inspiration» and hopefully get inspired.




In any case, I add links to the origins of the shown materials. I respect all copyrights. Please let me know, if a published content is not appropriate.